Rewriting my website in plain HTML and CSS

January 15, 2025

This week, I decided to rewrite my website using plain HTML and CSS. When I originally made it, I used SvelteKit for simplicity. It was a more interesting project than I was expecting when I started working so I wanted to share my thoughts on the experience.


There are a number of reasons I decided to do the rewrite. One is that I’m currently unemployed so I have a lot of free time for side projects. Another is that, as you can see, this website is pretty simple so I wasn’t gaining a lot from using SvelteKit. I also wanted to move the site over to Cloudflare Pages so this was an opportune time to make some changes.

However, the primary reason I decided to make some changes is that I find the Javascript bundler and building ecosystem incredibly aggravating to use. For example, one of the things I set up my old website to do was build the blog section from the set of Markdown posts. I assumed this would be easy to do. SvelteKit and Vite allow you to prerender your website and I had a set of files at build time - I just needed to add some logic to transform them. Instead, it was infuriatingly difficult to figure out a way to just get a handle to a set of files in my tree at build time (let me caveat that I’m not a frontend dev and maybe I missed something obvious). It took me hours of Googling and trying out different options to come up with this awful piece of code that worked to load the contents of a file and give them to my page:

import type { PageLoad } from "./$types";

export const load: PageLoad = async ({ params }) => {
  const file = await import(

  return { content: file.default, ...file.metadata };

I was tired of dealing with things like this for the tiny amount I was gaining from using SvelteKit. And so, I finally decided it was time for a rewrite.


I think spending too much time on Hacker News gave me the misconception that writing a website using plain HTML and CSS would be a relatively well-paved path in 2025. I spent some time looking around for guides or a “canonical” way of doing this and found that there isn’t really one. Because of that, I decided to just start from scratch with an empty directory and go from there. My website is small enough that I was able to remake a lot of the pages as static HTML.

However, I prefer writing blog posts in Markdown. It’s easier to write than HTML, I can pull posts out of my existing Obsidian vault, and I just find it more convenient. Therefore, I needed some kind of script to turn my Markdown blog posts into HTML content. I investigated some options for this and found Pandoc. Pandoc is a universal document converter for converting markup formats. It provides a library and a CLI for converting documents from Markdown to HTML (along with many other formats).

To write the script, I wanted something as lightweight as possible but easier to use than a Bash script. This led me to Python and uv. I’ve found that uv basically abstracts away the Python environment in a way that’s really convenient for a tiny project like this. Using Python also gave me a free way to serve my website using the http.server module. Finally, I wrote a tiny Makefile so I wouldn’t have to remember the serve command.


The outcome was not the most revolutionary because my website was really simple in the first place. But the size of my “compiled” website asset went from ~356kb to ~88kb. My project tree got a lot simpler and the only Javascript on the site now is to highlight code. I’m also just happier about the state of things. I feel like I understand how and why my site works (where before I understood parts but not the whole mystery).

Before, with SvelteKit
After, with plain HTML

Next Steps

There are two downsides that I’ve found so far. I’d like to investigate ways to fix or improve these.

Also, I think this repository is now a reasonably good template for someone who wants to make a simple website with some Markdown blog posts without using a generator. I was surprised when I started this project how difficult it was to find a guide about how to write your site without a framework. Hopefully this can help some other people.